How SmartDX works

Speed up conversion and growth by transforming every customer interaction into a personalized, real-time experience.


Tracking and targeting across channels, platforms, and touchpoints

Secure your cookie-independent future with a power-packed, two-pronged solution for unknown-to-known audience identification, progressive profiling, individualized engagement, and end-to-end attribution.

Get a comprehensive snapshot of campaign results and marketing ROI. Continuously improve campaign performance and cost-effectiveness with conversion-focused, channel- and device-agnostic customer experiences in real time.

Smart Link

Maximized communications for greater top-line impact

Track customers across all owned, earned, and paid media with the Smart Link. An individualized, deferred deep link embedded in campaign communications, it is so much more than a URL shortener.

The Smart Link captures audience attributes and journey insights—channel of origin, individual propensities, device fingerprint, and more—from every interaction to optimize engagement and conversion.

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One-line SDK

Unified digital identities for more accurate, efficient personalization

Precisely identify every individual in your digital marketing sphere with the one-line SDK, a short code that can be embedded in all your webpages and mobile apps. It tracks every customer's journey to deliver individually contextualized communications, wherever and whenever.

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Total data security and privacy protection

SmartDX is designed to deliver exceptional data security. As a multi-tenant cloud solution, it offers a segregated database that covers all the scripts and information captured from your web and mobile properties. PII and sensitive data is masked and obfuscated to prevent theft and exposure.

SmartDX uses Tier IV/Tia 942, data centers that are biometric-protected, SOC 1 and SOC 2 certified, and SSAE 16/ISAE 3402 attested —with 100% power back facility. By combining role-based authorization, multi-factor authentication, and restricted IP address, SmartDX secures and manages access to stored data.

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Browser plugin

Self-generate Smart Links to simplify communications

The SmartDX browser plugin makes generating Smart Links quick and easy. Create it directly from the browser plugin and embed it in campaign communication across all selected channels with a single click. Start the tracking process for your campaigns right away.


Making SmartDX work even harder

SmartDX offers need-based add-on features—form generator, template builder, data exchange, and rich push notification—to elevate your omnichannel engagement experience.

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